
Welcome and thank you for visiting BEnA blogs. This blogspot was intended to attract scholars, professional and all individual who has the interest with the industry. We aim to create more interaction not just amongs its member in the country but also those who are directly or indirectly dealings within Energy Industry abroad. As a non profit organisation, we are hoping to at least deliver by providing some information with regards to energy industry in Brunei Darussalam. We welcome any form of constructive discussion and sharing of research as well as further development of the industry.

Our Objectives

  1. To provide a forum in which Members of the Association can discuss matters relating to energy which include its exploration, production, separation, gathering, transmission, liquefaction, distribution, storage, marketing and utilisation.
  2. The advance knowledge and learning, and stimulate research in the area of energy technology in collaboration with higher learning institutions.
  3. To promote uniformity of practices and standards, relating to the energy industry.
  4. To promote and improve standards of safety, health and environment in the energy industry.
  5. To take such other steps as may stimulate the development of the energy industry in Negara Brunei Darussalam.
  6. To enhance the understanding of the public and its representatives about the conservation and efficient utilization of energy to the nation.
  7. To collect, analyse and disseminate information, via periodic publications, on the energy industry’s activities.
  8. To promote friendship and co-operation amongst organizations and professionals involved in energy related activities.
  9. To actively participate in world wide energy activities under the auspices of such renowned bodies as the International Gas Union (IGU), Gas Information Exchange in the Western Pacific (GASEX), Apec Energy Business Network, with the view to advancing knowledge and research in the energy industry.
The association shall be a non-profit seeking organization. In the furtherance of its objectives the association may affiliate with any relevant international institution pursuing similar objectives.